The bane of the Fortnite esports community might finally be coming to an end.

Epic Games’ Melissa announced on Twitter that Fortnite would finally be getting customs for creators to mess around with. She announced it on Twitter along with some increased rewards for support-a-creator codes.
Fortnite pros have been forced to practice with an old school method of a simple countdown to get scrimmage lobbies for the last year. A countdown bot and the hope that you get a decent lobby have plagued Fortnite pros and their practice for a while now.
Epic has said customs aren’t ready to fully rollout for the last year and have occasionally tested with a few pros but never given any creators anything to work with. This is the first time they appear to be giving actual codes to any pros to work with.
The conspiracy theory that’s been going around since this was announced is that Fornite have had this in their pocket for a while now and just holding onto it for a time when they need a bit of a bolster. With the recent popularized release of Apex Legends, perhaps they felt a bit threatened and wanted to make a splash. Or, they just had this planned for some time.
Melissa also announced an increase to support-a-creator codes: “For a limited time we are increasing the Creator payout rate by 4X, from $5 per 10,000 V-Bucks spent to $20 per 10,000 V-Bucks spent, and we are increasing the Epic Games Store payout rate 4X from 5% to 20%, funded entirely by Epic”.

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